The popular term “backdoor” refers to a situation where a player has a hand that is partially formed, with the possibility of completing it only after receiving the necessary cards on the turn and river. Some inexperienced players may consider such a hand less promising, while others may overestimate it, continuing to chase it without realistic chances of winning or a clear plan at that stage of the hand. The truth, as often is the case, lies somewhere in the middle: while the potential of backdoor hands should be considered, to effectively use this strategic element in online casinos, it’s essential to fully understand its nature.

Thus, the term “backdoor” in poker comes from the English word “backdoor,” which literally means “secret entrance.” In this context, it metaphorically suggests that a player’s hand on the flop looks like a losing hand, but there’s a chance to “sneak through the backdoor” and win the pot. To do this, a card that completes a four-card hand must appear on the turn, and the hand must be completed on the river. Here are a few illustrative examples.

Backdoor to the Straight

Denis has cards of different suits. On the flop, Denis doesn’t yet have a completed hand, not even a pair. The best hand he could make is a straight. This is possible if a seven comes on the turn and a ten on the river. To calculate the probability of completing this hand, the odds of each required card on each stage are multiplied. On the turn, there are 8 outs: 4 tens and 4 sevens. This means the probability is 8/47 = 17%. On the river, there are 4 outs remaining: 4/46 = 8.7%. The overall probability of successfully completing the hand is 0.17 * 0.087 = 0.0136, or 1.36%. In poker jargon, this backdoor draw is also called “runner-runner.”

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The Flush That Stayed in the Shadows

Poker virtuoso Denis, who gets all the best bonuses from casinos and comes up with different strategies, holds two spades. On the flop, hearts, clubs, and diamonds appear, leaving the spades hidden. A backdoor flush is a potential win if a spade appears on the turn and another spade on the river. The examples above show that the backdoor flush has more promising chances, as the number of “outs” increases at each stage: (9/47) * (8/46) = 3.3%. This is why experienced players consider it in their calculations. The actual value of these hands in this context is higher than 1.36% or 3.3%, as there’s also the possibility of making trips or two pairs.

Strategy of Play

While backdoor hands don’t have high success rates, they should not be disregarded when developing a balanced strategy. Even a 3% chance can play an important role in the long run. The value of these hands is not only in the additional equity but also in their playability:

  • They are rarely worth paying an opponent for, as they are difficult to give up.
  • You can extract the maximum from your opponent and win the pot even if you have essentially weak cards.
  • A completed hand remains non-obvious to your opponent, which may prompt them to reveal more than they should.

Below are some expert tips for playing backdoor draws.

Expert Tips

Optimal execution and effective strategies for using backdoor draws in poker require detailed analysis, avoiding stereotypes and intuitive biases. A significant focus should be on proper positioning in various game situations, highlighting the best moments for maximizing winnings.

Let’s imagine a scenario where a player has an odd backdoor flush draw and actively uses the initiative, allowing them to play aggressively. Position becomes especially important, especially on the turn, where the chances of successfully improving the hand or bluffing increase. An example of playing with a backdoor flush draw implies that in every fourth instance, a card of the needed suit will appear on the next street, significantly improving the hand and opening up the opportunity for aggression with a semi-bluff.

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Additional Nuances

It’s also important to pay attention to the equity of double and flush backdoor draws, as they can change the course of the hand over a long distance. A flush, being a strong situation, has high playability. By betting on the turn with a four-card draw, the player gains the opportunity to bluff. Additionally, completing a strong hand on the river, which is not obvious to opponents, provides a chance for further success.

Check-raises with strong draws, such as open-ended straight draws, can be effective, ensuring profit without revealing your cards. In the case of less strong double backdoors, it’s advisable to use bluff-raises. By masking the true strength of the hand and winning a big pot, these hands achieve remarkable status. The ease with which you can discard such a hand in response to your opponent’s aggression adds tactical flexibility. As is well known, poker isn’t just about calculations, math, and formulas, but also about reading your opponent’s plans without words.

In the battle for blinds after an open raise from the small blind, defending against the big blind is essential. Including weak outs, such as overcards with a backdoor flush draw, in an appropriate calling range can be key in successfully exploiting your opponent and winning the pot on the turn. It’s important to emphasize that, contrary to the intuitive perception of the weakness of backdoor hands in poker, experienced players value them, especially when accompanied by additional advantages such as initiative, position, or connection to weak pairs. For beginners, a strategy that reduces risks and avoids complex situations is recommended, while using backdoor combinations should be viewed in the context of their effective interaction with straight draws. Did you find this information useful? Then check out casino strategy reviews to discover more winning tactics and expert advice.

FAQ: What is a backdoor in poker

A backdoor in poker refers to a situation where a player needs both the turn and river cards to complete a strong hand, such as a flush or straight.  For example, if a player holds two hearts and the flop has one heart, they would need two more hearts on the turn and river to make a backdoor flush.

A regular draw, like an open-ended straight or a four-card flush draw, requires only one additional card to complete. In contrast, a backdoor draw requires hitting specific cards on both the turn and river, making it less likely to succeed.

Backdoor draws are relatively common, as many hands have potential to improve with specific turn and river cards. However, successfully completing a backdoor draw is less frequent due to the need for two perfect cards.

Chasing a backdoor draw can be profitable when the pot odds and implied odds justify the potential reward. It's also a viable strategy in situations where the board texture and opponents' actions suggest the possibility of bluffing later in the hand.

  • A backdoor flush draw: Holding two clubs with one club on the flop, needing two more clubs on the turn and river.
  • A backdoor straight draw: Holding 6♠7♠ on a flop of 9♦K♥3♣, needing 8♦ on the turn and 5♣ on the river.

Experienced players assess backdoor draws by considering factors such as pot size, position, and opponents' tendencies.
They also evaluate whether the draw complements their range and if chasing it could disguise the strength of their hand.

Yes, backdoor draws can serve as a semi-bluffing tool. For instance, betting or raising on the flop with a backdoor draw can pressure opponents while maintaining equity in the hand if the draw develops.