The Moldovan Parliament has approved a bill partially lifting restrictions on gambling advertising. This decision is a step towards liberalizing legislation in this area, which, according to the initiators, can bring significant benefits to the country’s economy.
According to the new law, advertising of gambling games classified as low social risk is permitted during certain time periods. Now such materials can be shown from 22:00 to 07:00. In addition, advertising and sponsorship mentions are allowed in audiovisual programs related to sporting events broadcast live by national telecom operators. In addition, gambling advertising can be placed in state and private periodicals.
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However, its volume is limited – no more than 15% of the publication’s area. Despite the partial lifting of the ban, Moldovan legislators have introduced strict rules to control the content of advertising. Each advertisement must contain a warning about the possible negative consequences of gambling. These warnings must occupy at least 20% of the time or area of the visual advertising material, which is aimed at informing and protecting citizens.
The initiators of the bill say that partial liberalization of gambling advertising will open up new opportunities for the country’s economy. It is expected that this will attract direct investments in the amount of at least 30 million lei annually. These funds are supposed to be used to support sports events, develop local media content and stimulate the economy in general. The parliament’s decision has caused a wide resonance. Supporters of the law emphasize its positive impact on the development of sports and the media industry, noting that investments can significantly improve the infrastructure of sports events and the quality of local content. However, opponents of the changes are concerned about a possible increase in the number of gamblers and social risks associated with the availability of gambling.
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To prevent possible negative consequences, the government plans to strengthen control over the activities of gambling operators. Licenses will be issued only to verified companies, and violations of advertising legislation will entail serious fines and sanctions. Thus, the new bill is an attempt to find a balance between economic benefit and social responsibility. Moldova is taking a step towards a more open gambling market, while introducing precautions to minimize risks. Successful implementation of these changes can become an example for other countries seeking to develop their markets in a socially responsible manner. New casino launches, updates, and technology – check casino development news. Find more on our site.